Work from home

Work from home is hot and trending. Whether you work full time or part time, online genuine jobs are not that hard to find nowadays.
MNCs operating in Indian are also providing legitimate work from home jobs.
So, can all work be done remotely sitting on my bed? Not yet, unfortunately. But there are plenty. Most of these jobs have salary starting from 10K per month.
Some of such online part time jobs to work from home are discussed below:
What is online tutoring?
Do you love to teach? There are companies connecting teachers and students online. You have to solve their queries, give homework, prepare question papers and more.
How to teach part-time through online portals?
No, you need not do Skype calls. Both video and audio calling options are there. The company will provide the required security of personal information. You just have to teach.
What are the basic requirements?
  • Love for teaching
  • Expert knowledge of one particular subject is preferred.
  • In some cases, you will need a degree.

What is freelance writing?
There are companies that connect writers with project providers. You can also refer to several freelance writing sites There are various types of freelance writing. You can choose your type according to your expertise. For example, some types are-
  • Copy writing
  • Academic writing
  • Business writing
  • Journalistic articles writing
  • Editing
  • Creative content writing
How to do part-time freelance writing?
If writing is your passion, this can be the best work from home option with rewarding payment. Select projects you can work on and apply. Once you deliver the project on time, you will get paid.
What do you require to be an online freelance writer?
  • Error less grammar
  • Commitment to delivering project within time
  • Research skills
What is online transcription?
Converting the voice in an audio or video into a written document is transcription. There are different types of business transcription, legal transcription, medical transcription etc.
How to do a part-time online transcription?
The company provides you an audio or video. You have to listen to it (in case of audio) or watch it (in case of video) and pen down the voice recording. It can be a speech, interview or anything.
What do you need to have to be a transcriptionist?
  • Patience because sometimes it can be hard to make out the audio files
  • Good typing speed if the audio/video provided is live
  • In case of medical transcription, you may a medical transcriptionist certificate
This is a high paying work from home job that does not require experience or a degree.
What is digital marketing?
Marketing or advertising a product or service using digital mediums like Facebook, twitter, emails, mobile apps, search engines, different sites is digital marketing.
How to find online part time job in Digital Marketing?
Apply for digital marketing jobs. Showcase your skills creating a sample for them. Copy writing or graphic designing skills may add extra advantage.
What do you require to be a Digital Marketer?
  • Creativity
  • Basic Digital marketing skills (free courses available on the internet)
What is the work of an online translator?
An online translator translates a document from one language to another.
How to get an online translator’s job?
If you know two or more languages, this can be the best work from home option. All you need is to write the same thing in a different language.
What do you need to find a Part-time job as a Translator?
  • Complete knowledge of two or more languages
  • Error less grammar
This is another well paid easy job you can do without a degree or experience and absolutely from home.
What is that?
Checking if the requirements of the customers of a particular company are being fulfilled or not, managing a team of customer service providers, directly connecting with customers, analysis the data history of the customer with the company and working to improve the customer-company relationship are some of the main works a customer service manager does.
What do you need to become an online customer service manager?
  • Good communication skills
  • Teamwork spirit
  • Problem-solving attitude
  • Logical thinking
How to become an online part-time seller?
No, you need not manufacture products. Buy products at a low price and sell them at a higher price via online markets like Amazon, Flipkart etc. You need to courier the products to the targeted market/company. If you can be an expert with time, income will know no bound since online shopping trend is going up each day.
What is social media management?
Managing, updating and creating engagement in the social media pages of a company is the main work of a social media manager.
What skills do you need to get Social Media Management Job?
  • Good communication skills
  • Basic graphics designing
  • Some Knowledge of digital marketing
  • Good social presence (Facebook, twitter, blogs )
While looking for work from home, be on your guard. Since this is a lucrative option, scammers dwell here cheating people either with money in the name of investment or getting work done first and refusing to pay later


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